Well, after a couple weeks of very warm weather for Regina (and I think pretty much the whole province of Saskatchewan?) the temperature has finally cooled down. When I was leaving this morning I noticed that the slight cold snap has turned several leaves yellow. It's coming people!

And while I'm excited for fall (it's my favourite season) I really hope I'm not going to miss the prime autumn colours outside as I'll be out of the country for awhile. At any rate, it got me thinking about landscapes from the last year.
Pup sessions are back! By popular demand, we're doing pup portraits in the park again! Come on out and get pics of your fur babies, your fur babies with the kids, or the fur babies with you!
Took a road trip to Lumsden one evening. This summer there's been a lot of haze in the air, lots of dust and smoke... but it does help make things really pretty at the right time of day...
The heat has been ridiculous for the last week. Some people are reveling in it. I'm not a fan of the heat, personally, but at least it's encouraging me to do portraits outside rather than in a stuffy studio!

As such, last night, Darcy and I ventured out to do some business portraits! Here's an unedited preview!
We all have 'em...
Blue Steel
Mom... the lady has my ladybug...
The other night I was supposed to do a shoot with a cute little puppy. However, unfortunately, the puppy's owner had to bail, so one of my studio mates found us a model to work with that evening. We were cooking from the heat, but still had a pretty good time, plus I got to bust out my new Strip Light...

Since it's suddenly topical too, it was just good luck that he was wearing a Superman shirt while I was wearing a Batman shirt...
With the humidity, his hair was *this* close to developing it's own Superman Swirl.
'Scuse me, citizen!
Just a real short one for today. I love this picture.
Prior to doing photos with much fewer clothes on than that, Cara wanted to relax a little bit with a lemon beer.
It has been years since I was at the Tyrell Museum. I was probably about 10 at the time, so I don't remember a lot about it, other than vague memories of a couple of pictures of my cousins and me, and that it was cold and rainy that day and not too busy. Last week was a bit different...
The photo above is fairly a pro pos, given the barrage of screaming children we encountered upon entry. I would suggest that a lot of the children were probably a bit too young to be there actually and whether it was from boredom, or conversely over-stimulation, but I saw now fewer than three children having a complete and utter meltdown on their exit as I waited for my mother to finish her cigarette. It didn't bode well, but we weren't leaving until we went in for awhile.
God you people are so loud... trying to get some sleep around here!
If you're not hearing the roar from the t-rex in Jurassic Park in your head... you're just not livin' are you?
I don't remember this greenhouse being there last time I was there, but it's beautiful. If I worked here, I would spend my lunches in the greenhouse.
Shelley! After seeing so many dinosaurs that are no longer actually alive, it was a shock to see Shelley streaking back and forth in her tank.
Hey! It's Manny, Diego and... well I guess that could be Sid on the left there?