For those who don't know, King's Cross station in London is where Harry Potter found Platform 9 3/4 to board the train to Hogwarts. I did not get my picture taken there - like Niagara Falls they get you to pay for it. But the whole station itself is quite cool...


Greetings from Scotland! I have limited access to the Internet but wanted to post to let you know I arrived in one piece. I hope all is well back in North America!


Dramatic as this sky was, it was nothing compared to the dreamscape I visited last night... Hellscape more like... Tornadoes, people. Tornadoes that would have obliterated the house, Dorothy, Toto, and half of the land of Oz.

So instead I'm going to try to focus on this picture of my baby... Buster! Though I miss him already and I haven't even left the country yet. In the meantime, if you have a moment and the inclination, please send good vibrations people. I could certainly use them. Thanks.
How could you not love a face like this?
Ohhhhh here's a nice peaceful moment... Ommmmmmmm... Ommmmmm... OmmmmeerrrRRRRRRR!!!
So the stress levels are still pretty high, though admittedly not as high as they were earlier in the week. I leave for the UK in TWO DAYS... AAAAACK! I'm not normally a nervous traveler, I just don't like being stuck in a flying tube for hours and hours at a time. At least in a vehicle you can stop, get out, stretch your legs, look around at stuff. Admittedly though, last time I did a long-haul sort of flight, the other passengers were... Well, frankly, a bunch of pretentious and entitled bitches! There's nothing to say that each person I meet won't be fabulous in between here and there, and of course there are dear friends on the other end of the trip.

For others who may be suffering a bit of the blues, or stress in anyway, I hope these flowers are helpful. For those who have experienced our sudden change in the weather around here, these flowers will remind you of better days to come back.
Because I'm still a relative newcomer to the table, as a business owner, networking is very important. As a result, I recently joined the Regina Women's Network. One of the long-standing members' company, who normally does the board images, had another gig to attend to, so I was happy to help out.

I look forward to working with the RWN and getting to know everyone in due time, and will hopefully work with many of them in the future. Cheers!
I've blogged before about the importance of hiring professionals. Another prong of the issue is prints being made. In this digital age, where cameras are everywhere, this is a common site to almost everyone...
On a totally separate note... I love my hands. Not to be vain or anything but... seriously... look at them!
I wanted to share with you a blog post I read yesterday that expounds on prints in a digital world. Rather than rehash it, the author speaks eloquently enough, so I'll allow them... Here, have a look.
One thing I will say, this was a great event.
The team took the day to decorate the Turvey Centre (which, if you don't know, is an IMMENSE function hall) and made it look fantastic. With Dust Jackets for vinyls all over the place, balloons, lights and some very inventive awards, it was just a preview of the things to come. I had a great time shooting this event for a good cause, and I hope to work with Regina Family Services on this event again in the future!

If you didn't get a chance to participate this year, I highly recommend that you check it out in 2014!
Check back with Regina Family Services for more details and mark it on your calendars!
This seems rather reflective of my mood... 50% of the time these days...
It's been a busy couple of days, and I've found my stress levels are still pretty high even though the two busy days were yesterday and Friday. I have a feeling they're going to be pretty high until I arrive in the UK actually.

Plus I went ahead and watched Eat, Pray, Love today. While in principle, it's a chick flick, and has a lot of the pitfalls that a typical chick-flick would, there were parts of the story that felt very much like things I've been going through in the last several months. I may, or may not, have gotten somewhat weepy, though I reserve the right to say it's because my eyes are irritated from having worn make-up yesterday.

At any rate, I found another article from The Tiny Buddha that I felt was a pro pos. Check out A Powerful Lesson in Self-Compassion. It's a good article, though of course, reading and putting it into practice  though... #WorkingOnIt.




Okay, I found a few minutes to get a quick update done today - tomorrow is still a question mark (I guess that's pretty much life in general isn't it?) but here is a quick preview of Josh!

For a change, while we did some images with strobes at his church later on, we did some images in the park that were available light! It occurred to me that I don't do that terribly often these days (not with clients anyway) and I had some fun with it...

This is pretty well unedited. I will work on the image soon, but while the image is quite contrasty, I kind of love it - dramatic with the direct sunlight, which for a performer might be just what the doctor ordered.