One day, with time to kill, I wandered up to Princes Street and stumbled (more or less) on the Parish Church of St. Cuthbert's. Nestled among the gardens, with Edinburgh Castle looming large above it, it has a decent sized cemetery. Warnings to visitors to not go traipsing among the tombstones seem like good advice, given the sheer size and obvious weight of some of them, and their propensity for falling over at times. I ran into another photographer while wandering who happened to be another Canon User. We said hello. Made for a nice feeling of solidarity in this beautiful setting in a strange land.
I don't usually get lucky enough to see my family in such short order after the last visit, but because we had a late trip this summer, and everyone was able to make it out for Thanksgiving, that's exactly what happened. I was lucky enough to see them all, and for that, I give Thanks.

I'm still really behind in my Edinburgh photos, but family time is just as important, if not more.

There are more photos, (of course - there are ALWAYS more photos) but I was stoked when I went out for the ride to the middle of the forest to hunt for fire-wood. Permit in hand and quad tuned up, the lighting in the sticks was wonderful. And I got back to some sweet back-lit leaves too.

Enjoy, and I will try to get more Edinburgh photos up soon!
Just a quick entry for tonight, and like last time, if you catch any factual errors in my captions, please let me know so that I can re
The Hub - Meeting point for festival type things on the Royal Mile between St. Giles and the Castle
The Castle as crews work to tear down the stands from the Royal Military Tattoo.
Well played, Scotland.
From the esplanade, Edinburgh Castle.
A narrow close, though not as narrow as some.
From the Museum on the Mound, one million dollars.
Rodin's "The Kiss"
Just going to put up a few images here, since there's several days of stuff to go through, and some images will need work for exposure colour and density, but here's another little taste of some of the images from my ancestral home...

NB: If you are familiar with Edinburgh and see any factual errors, please let me know. I have a good memory, it's sometimes just very short and would much rather be gently corrected than go about looking like a jack-ass.
St. Giles' Church - lacking a normal, pointy spire, the top is purported to be fashioned after James the IV/II's crown.
A nice view of Edinburgh from Castle Hill.
View from Princes' Street.
Preparation for the post-wedding festivities at St. Andrews' of Leytonstone, London.
Nile and Kathryn - immediately post-nuptials.
King's Cross Station - London.
The windy and steep(ish) stairs up to the flat where I was staying. I cursed them on a daily basis.
Some gentlemen taking a stroll through the Royal Botanic Gardens
Also at the RBG
Also at the RBG
Passing Edinburgh Castle on the Historic Bus Tour. Topographically, they had a definite advantage - and this isn't even the REALLY steep side. That did NOT dissuade some from attacking... SUCCESSFULLY at that!
That title will seem inaccurate based on the image I'm about to post - but I am back at home finally. I loved Scotland and Edinburgh. Perhaps in some sort of ancestral/historic manner, people thought I fit in because hilariously, I had someone ask me for directions, not once, but twice.

This is a real fast one today, but this image will be the first of many that I will likely be posting in the next while. At the moment though, it's like 4 am as far as my body is concerned... so I'm going to bed.
Edinburgh - by the National Gallery above the Princes' street gardens.

I took a whirlwind trip through the Highlands for the Loch Ness Tour the other day, and spent most of the time staring out the window, marveling at what a beautiful country Scotland really it. No wonder Harry Potter and Skyfall, among other movies shot in the region had such awesome atmospheres.

The pictures are, obviously as they're still on the back if the camera, not edited.


I ventured to the Castle yesterday, which was quite awesome. The iPhone images don't really do it justice, I can't wait to get back and post proper entries :)

A book I picked up in the gift shop.