I wish I could say that I'd received this personally from Arlene. She is one of my favourite dragons, and by virtue of being a woman I think, often, has to be twice as tough as some of the others because at times people still tend to dismiss her opinions.

I have a tendency to regularly battle my inner demons, mostly involving worry about my future - whether or not I'm making it and whether I will have a successful career as a photographer. Still in the development stages of my career, it is very difficult for me to just relax and let the chips fall where they may. What if I'm not that good? What if people stop hiring me? What if they don't like the work that I provide to them cause I made a mistake? What if it's detrimental, in the end, to my career and I have to give up, tail between my legs, and get a "real" job?

Which brings me back to Arlene. Her blog posts on YouInc can be quite helpful to budding entrepreneurs, like myself. This one that I just read, in particular, seems fitting right at the moment, so I thought I would share it, as it probably not only applies to me but to many of the other budding entrepreneurs that I've been meeting in the last year or so. Check it out if you have a minute --> http://youinc.com/profiles/blog/show?id=6559795%3ABlogPost%3A49238

Now... why this picture? Long time fans of my work might know that this is not a new picture. This is from 2009 and I thought it was fitting because it's the family that I just finished visiting. Of everyone, Jaxon has changed the most, but the others are pretty well just the same. While I am still happy with this photograph, capturing the family in their perfect setting at the acreage, I do see things in it that could be improved. Not that I'm saying consider it a failure! I guess, like my business in general, it's good to look back and see how far I've come since 2009, cause that in itself should be chalked up as a win, knowing that like anyone, we're always learning and growing.

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