Been a little busy lately! But finally catching up today - so check out Leah, of Prairie Fox Web Services. With a focus on small businesses, she can help you out with your website needs!
Course, if you didn't know any better, you might assume it was Paris. Vegas is never quiet by any means, but as far as the visuals, it positively comes alive. If we'd had more time, I would have taken one evening and just dedicated it to Vegas Night Lights, but with our schedule pretty packed, I decided that at least seeing the Bellagio Fountains was key. As we waited, I observed Paris across the street.
The fountains are choreographed to music. Though at a distance you can't hear it, but what you do hear sounds like Thunder. Not surprising given the amount of water pressure that must be expelled here.
Even without the fountains, the Bellagio is pretty impressive looking at night.
Next time I will also try to get some video in the process.
The pre-show for Zumanity, the show itself being the highlight of our last full day in Vegas! Naturally, cameras were not allowed during the actual show. This lovely lady was wearing essentially chaps, for when she turned around, her (practically) bare ass was showing. Still, the costuming was incredible all the way through.
Sorry, today was insanely busy! One of the reasons is a shoot I did with Alex, who looked positively angelic! More on this at a later date, and I promise I will get more Vegas up tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's one grab from tonight's shoot with the lovely Alex.
So Day 2 of Vegas was dedicated to Shopping. Honestly. Shopping and then the Piano Bar, so I actually kept the camera holstered most of the time. Tomorrow's images will be a bit more exciting, but still. Above you can see New York, New York. The facade does its job in that it looks like several recognizable and separate buildings in New York, but they're all part of the same hotel. And yes, that's a roller coaster in front.
Shopping at the Outlet Mall, (the north one) which, as you can see, is an outdoor mall. Shops such as Diesel, Fossil, Kate Spade, Armani, Nine West, Dolce and Gabbana and the like reside here. And the odd "regular persons" store, like Disney, Hanes and Orange Julius too...
And this intriguing building is the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Centre for Brain Health (Goggle told me so), which, if you were wondering, was designed by the same person who designed Disney Concert Hall, Frank Gehry. Beautiful isn't it? Next time I go to Vegas, I plan on doing one day where I just take photos of the architecture of Vegas.

Tune in tomorrow for Day Three! 
So as I said, I was partying in Vegas last weekend. My first time in Sin City, I knew there would be lots to photograph. Indeed, I wished I could magick up my photography school classmates and we could do a straight week of themed days. In fact, I believe I will contact them and try to organize a trip such as this for next year. Themes could include: Vegas lights, Vegas Architecture, Vegas Artwork, Smut Peddlers of Vegas, Fremont Street, The Strip, Tourists of Vegas... just to name a few.

As I was just getting a taste of the place, obviously, I just covered whatever struck my fancy at the moment :)
Annnd once again I've been away. Though this time, physically, actually away in a far away land, a land called "Las Vegas".

One more image from a different set of Business Portraits (this time the group from SaskCulture) I will post some images from my escape from the Ice Planet of Hoth tomorrow. In the meantime - the Creative Kids Gang!
So the last few days I've had a flurry of stuff to do, including a couple of business-type sessions. A couple of unedited previews for you! Two different styles, can you guess which one was shot on location and which was shot in studio? (Once again, I apologize if the colour doesn't look quite as amazing as it does when I'm editing... Weebly has some ideas of their own vis-a-vis colour spaces apparently...)
And I'm just here to document it...

Should I ever start documenting (besides in oral reports to friends) how my Father is insane... no one will believe me. They'll all say I'm using too much hyperbole.

Anyway. Quilling. Quilling paper is another of Mom's little hobbies which, as you can see, involves taking very fine strips of coloured paper, and rooooolling them, then sometimes pinching them on one side in order to create shapes with them. Yet another thing for which I would NEVER have the patience to complete once I'd started.
I'm back! Sorry, again, for the long break. But my goal is to try to turn that around and get back into the swing of things, hopefully having new things to post at least a couple of times a week.

In the meantime - here's something I shot just this afternoon.

While every craft requires a certain amount of patience, and trial and error type stuff, there are different types. My mother toils. For hours and hours she toils away with crafts in her little room. Most require small detail handiwork that I do not especially have the right type of patience for. I will go out on the road, pull over and set up through clouds of mosquitoes (to an extent) to wait for a sunset near a bog (WHY DO I ALWAYS END UP NEAR A BOG?!) but she does these little crafts that involve either folding and/or cutting of small pieces of paper, or gluing small things to other small things.

These are just some of what she produces. Note that they are all different and, as hand-made crafts go, they are all slightly different. I don't know how long it takes from start to finish but... man.