I'm back! Sorry, again, for the long break. But my goal is to try to turn that around and get back into the swing of things, hopefully having new things to post at least a couple of times a week.

In the meantime - here's something I shot just this afternoon.

While every craft requires a certain amount of patience, and trial and error type stuff, there are different types. My mother toils. For hours and hours she toils away with crafts in her little room. Most require small detail handiwork that I do not especially have the right type of patience for. I will go out on the road, pull over and set up through clouds of mosquitoes (to an extent) to wait for a sunset near a bog (WHY DO I ALWAYS END UP NEAR A BOG?!) but she does these little crafts that involve either folding and/or cutting of small pieces of paper, or gluing small things to other small things.

These are just some of what she produces. Note that they are all different and, as hand-made crafts go, they are all slightly different. I don't know how long it takes from start to finish but... man.

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