So in the same vein as my post yesterday, wanting to change things up a bit, I've been toying with the idea of trying Etsy out again, in order to sell some of my art cards/prints. Though some research suggests that a Big Cartel site might actually be a bit more practical.

At any rate, I'm trying it out, though I need to get more inventory onto the site. But it's up! It's running! I'm hoping to get more stuff posted closer to Christmas! But if you need some last minute Christmas cards to send...

Check it out!
I have been cursing mother nature fairly regularly the last week or two. And while the cold is REALLY getting old, winter does, occasionally, bring some very picturesque scenes. I was sorting through some old photos (some getting VERY old now) and stumbled on these. So we'll call this a throw-back Saturday!
As you may have seen, I posted a preview from Tanya's shoot last week - and I have a couple more images here. I love working with performers, mostly cause they're already used to putting on a bit of a show, so it gives me license to play and get some more dramatic photos.
Every year, as a personal project, I like to put together a wall calendar. This year is no different, of course, and this was the result. Perhaps a bit premature as we still have most of December to get through...!
I've been remiss! This whole work thing is getting in the way of posting! :)

A while ago, I had the opportunity to take photos of Sheree as a late graduation session. Known as the cowgirl in the class, hailing from a small hamlet near the Montana border, Sheree decided to show that this casual cowgirl and bring on the sparkle when she wants to! Who knew she had such curves!
Don't let the innocent look in her eye fool you. She will kick your ass if she has to.
This is just a quick, unedited preview from my shoot today with Tanya. This is one of my favourites. I've worked with Tanya a couple of times, including having done some business portraits of her in the past. But as that was a few years ago, with different hairstyles and so on, she decided it was time to get some updated photos in her music studio. I was only too happy to oblige. :)
(I am not so happy, however, with the colour management of this blog. Her skin looks much more healthy compared to this ashen thing that's going on here in my editing program!)
I already shared these on my personal Facebook Page last night, but thought my small but loyal followers who may not be on Facebook might like to see these too. The temperature was practically balmy compared to the last few days, so even I decided to run out to get some grabs of the mayhem happening on Albert Street after the Grey Cup win. From the video I saw, I'm sure it was crazier toward the Albert/Victoria intersection and closer to Mosaic Stadium, but the energy was still crazy down toward the museum.
Optimus Rider Pride?
Senor Riderfan
I don't know this couple but if you do, please share this with them!
High-Fivin' Cops!
Congratulations to the Riders for bringing their 'A' game and bringing home the cup!
So I got a chance to take a group photo yesterday, bright and early (or at least... early) in the morning; The Grey Cup Marching Band. These are obviously not the final product, these are just a few grabs I got while they were rehearsing in small sections and getting ready. With about 500 people registered, it was quite the melee. But clearly lots of people are passionate about the game going on right now. GO GREEN!
Trumpet is king!
I've been meaning to post a few of these for a few days, but life happened, and I just did not get around to it. But last Friday I got to participate in the MacKenzie Art Gallery's Mid Autumn Night's Dream - a Fundraiser put on by the gallery and the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. Guests entered to find the trees decorated with twinkle lights, and hints of Ancient Greece adding romance to the already airy atmosphere of the T.C. Douglas Building's foyer. While another photographer was around to do the candid photos for the evening, I set up to do a photo-booth, giving people the opportunity to have a little keepsake of their evening and helping community organizations.

Here are just a few of the happy participants...
As you may recall, last week I had posted a call for newborns, wanting to expand my portfolio because I would like to offer newborn portraits among my services. I've worked with babies before, but not a lot of newborns, not recently, and certainly not current-enough stuff to advertise for it.

Marla was the first to answer the call, and brought in little Audrey to the studio. While I have little desire to go forth and procreate myself, I do find babies somewhat fascinating, and it was a fun shoot. This is just one (slightly) edited image from the haul we got. Hope you like it!