I already shared these on my personal Facebook Page last night, but thought my small but loyal followers who may not be on Facebook might like to see these too. The temperature was practically balmy compared to the last few days, so even I decided to run out to get some grabs of the mayhem happening on Albert Street after the Grey Cup win. From the video I saw, I'm sure it was crazier toward the Albert/Victoria intersection and closer to Mosaic Stadium, but the energy was still crazy down toward the museum.
Optimus Rider Pride?
Senor Riderfan
I don't know this couple but if you do, please share this with them!
High-Fivin' Cops!
Congratulations to the Riders for bringing their 'A' game and bringing home the cup!
11/25/2013 10:57:27 pm

That Optimus Prime costume is awesome!


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