I've probably mentioned before, but one of my other creative outlets in this world is choir. Music has been a part of my life from the get-go, and while I did piano and trumpet through school, more recently, Halcyon Chamber Choir has been the watch word, partly because it's an instrument you always carry with you, and of course, it's a different group of friends to meet/hang with than the ones I typically work with on a corporate or entrepreneurial level (although, there are occasionally cross-overs of course!)

In the last few seasons, I've done concert posters for the group, and since we've been trying to amp up the website, I've committed to bringing the camera along and getting some candids photos. In future, watch for more images, showing the gang during relaxed times. And for those paying attention, that's the group rehearsing Stabat Mater, a work by Karl Jenkins, which we will be performing on November 16th along with the Regina Philharmonic Chorus at Knox Metropolitan United Church. It'll be super fun! Hope to see you there!

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