So we're in Alberta. Visiting my Mom's sister Margaret and the family. But our first full day, we decided to take a trip to Lacombe to visit with my Dad's brother Cliff, who we don't get to see terribly often. A pleasant surprise, Cliff's youngest daughter, my cousin Trish, who I have not seen since I was maybe 10 was there with her daughters too! We had a great visit and I'm so glad the timing worked out the way it did. Now if only cousin Kathie and her kids had been there too!...
Here's Cliff - and his sweet pimpin' coat that is now in my possession, which he got (I think) from Archie Andrews.
The girls were a bit wound up from an earlier trip to the big city (well, Red Deer) but they eventually settled down.
Mom and Trish discussing the merits of clean living and an overly medicated society.
Making the best of an otherwise gloomy day, Rylan enjoys filling her boots with water.
And bringing more colour to her environs
Taken with my iPhone
And finally, I got one picture of Trish and I, together after 20 years. I don't think I was taller than her the last time :) But it really was great to see her - who knew you could go 20 years and turn out to still have some things in common apart from blood lines :)
8/9/2013 05:31:10 am

LOVE the coat!


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