Along with Forgiveness... which while I'm working on it, I think I'm actually further along with that than I am with just living in the present. Even when you can forgive, the habitual obsessive thinking patterns can derail things pretty easily. As recommended by many self-help type books, gurus etc. and also Tiny Buddha, gratitude (which I've discussed at length previously) is one of the tricks to being mindful and living in the now.

Perspective, looking at things from the bright side is the goal. The journey is just taking a lot longer than I'd like it to.
This image sort of reminds me of that. This is a place that we pass every time we head to visit the family in Alberta. I dunno that they had any specifically esoteric purposes to start with, other than perhaps to make the fence more visible to any wildlife that might be passing by, but it may have become so...

Esoteric -- Adjective
    1. Understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
    2. Belonging to a select few.
    3. Private; secret; confidential
    4. (Of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.

Well... a particular fence in a particular place where people come to nail shoes and sandals and boots to the fence just because? This is practically the... poster fence of the esoteric.

So I guess next time I'm feeling grumpy, annoyed or whatever, I should think about this fence. Well, no, actually FIRST I should look around me and realize that in that specific moment, there should be things to be grateful for. For instance, if there is a roof over my head, if I have relative health, if I've got a snuggly puppy next to me, if I've been able to pay my bills, if I have a nice computer to work on and access to the internet, and have a car to drive and food to eat and clean water...

And all those things. But again, we're conditioned to focus on the negative. So if none of those things come up in the moment, I guess if I can hold onto this image. Know that there's a fence, with boots and shoes nailed to it. While there's probably several of them littering the prairies, this one is special. It means those who know of it are part of a select few. And I guess that's something.

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