So if I was remiss in my posts before, I'm completely delinquent now!
Not entirely without reason though. For those who are fans on my Facebook page, you know that I've been completely revamping my website. Whereas in the past I had my site in one corner of the internet, my blog here and other facets in other corners, I've switched things over to a new host that gives me some more capabilities and the ability to keep everything together in one place.

The address is the same,
and it has a bunch of new work and a blog that's attached to the actual site. So this site will no longer be updated from this point. Thanks for visiting this blog though and I hope you'll join me over at the other one, where I will try to get into the swing of regular updates again!

Here's one last updated image from one of the last sets of business portraits I did with Jayme. We'll see you on the other side, so to speak! :)

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