Last summer I headed to Toronto for a couple of weddings I was attending and decided that since I'd never been, I would make a side-trip in the week between weddings to Ottawa. My friend Brooklyn happened to be working there for the summer, so I stayed with her and did the tourist thing during the day while she worked on/near the hill.

Recently, due to a problem with my computer, in a cruel irony (if you believe in fate or God or that sort of thing) as I was trying to back up my trip photos, the original photos ended up getting magicked away. If nothing else, at least I had posted some of them on my Facebook page, so at least I have those. But apart from that, 80% of my photos from the Museum of Civilization are gone. Quite upsetting as the skies were, as you can see, quite dramatic that day. But again, I'm trying to see the silver lining, in that at least I have SOMETHING to remember them.

Also, I feel I should share the shit out of them so that they're out there from now on.

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