It seems to me that this whole social media network is not unlike the London Underground that Josh's family visited together - it's huge and complicated and scary (or at least it was to a small-city girl like myself!). Finding my way through London, just this past fall, was a daunting task to be sure. I felt lost at every turn and winded too (well, only once, upon trying to exit a turn-style where I didn't realize you were supposed to surrender your ticket when leaving. I got that metal arm to the gut but good!).

But scary as it was, I did manage to get where I was going. And I am confident that I will get there, somehow, with all the social media sites I'm on too. And if you're like me, and the whole thing makes your palms go clammy and beads of sweat form on your brow, you might want to seek out the help of Brandi Good, of BLG Business Solutions. Brandi has an excellent article here about navigating through social media sites and knowing which might be important to you and how sometimes _less_ is more.

If you are looking for professional images to use for your web presence though, I can totally help you with that! Just fire me a note at [email protected] to set up an appointment - we can tailor the photos to best represent you and your business! Or, if you're looking for family photos? We'll work together to make images that best show you as you are at this moment in your life, whether you've just returned from overseas, or there are other big events going on in your life!

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