This seems rather reflective of my mood... 50% of the time these days...
It's been a busy couple of days, and I've found my stress levels are still pretty high even though the two busy days were yesterday and Friday. I have a feeling they're going to be pretty high until I arrive in the UK actually.

Plus I went ahead and watched Eat, Pray, Love today. While in principle, it's a chick flick, and has a lot of the pitfalls that a typical chick-flick would, there were parts of the story that felt very much like things I've been going through in the last several months. I may, or may not, have gotten somewhat weepy, though I reserve the right to say it's because my eyes are irritated from having worn make-up yesterday.

At any rate, I found another article from The Tiny Buddha that I felt was a pro pos. Check out A Powerful Lesson in Self-Compassion. It's a good article, though of course, reading and putting it into practice  though... #WorkingOnIt.

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