As the title implies, there's some interesting stuff in my (current, at the moment) neighbourhood up in the wilds of Central Saskatchewan. Lots of rocks and mosses, spiders and webs (ones that you run into then spend the next 5 minutes trying to get it all off you until you give up because there's JUST NO END TO IT!) and leaves that you would normally pass right by. But the way the light shows off the texture, particularly when you have a new lens to play with, makes you stop for a moment...

Please note; I am terrified of spiders. I could regale you with a tale of the showdown I had with a 7 legged spider in my home. But in spite of my fear, for some reason, when it comes to opportunities to photograph them I am weirdly drawn to them. Perhaps it's a subconscious way of trying to overcome the fear. Perhaps it's a rebellious sort of way to say "eff you spider! I'm stealin' yer soul!" But one thing... there's a bunch of them up here.

8/2/2013 09:48:51 am

I love this idea, and I'd love to see more posts like this. I'm a fan of taking pictures of random inanimate objects :)


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