Maybe not so much, but I've got your attention now, right?

It is not, likely, the end of the World coming, but the end of the year definitely is, and as such, some changes and renewals and new pushes for business are right around the corner. As such, I'm looking for YOUR input! What would YOU like to see more of in this blog?

I've also been thinking about possibly having themes for each day of the week, to get a bit creative with my postings. Themes such as:
    - Meaningful Mondays (posts not all photography related, but with musings about ongoing work on myself or major projects going on in my little world)
    - Tip Tuesdays
(tips for the viewer/reader on how to make the most out of your photo sessions)
    - Wisdom Wednesdays (too similar to Mondays?)
    - Thursday Throwbacks (in the same vein as Facebook/Twitter postings, showing some old work that may or may not be as glowing as I once thought!)
    - Friday Favourites (pretty self explanatory)
    - Saturdays Behind the Scenes (partly because I'd like to get into the habit of capturing some b-t-s images of my work to remind me of the good times, and the things to work through...)
    - Selfie Sundays (One Selfie of whatever I happen to be wearing/doing/seeing once a week)

Which of these ideas spark your interest?

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