So recently I've become aware that I need to step up my game. In order to convince people of the value of hiring a pro as opposed to getting a "friend" with a "real nice camera" and Walmart, I need to make my photography even better. As a result, I asked my good friend Corrina one evening to pop over and help me out as I went back to the basics. All shot right in my kitchen... I'm sure this is just the beginning.
While I like the way the purple of the last image pops, I like how the white brings out the dark layers of her hair.
I have known both Serena and Matt for the last few years through choir. As fellow choristers and carpool buddies we get along pretty well, so I was quite pleased last year when they asked me to do their Engagement Photos (which I will try to post at a later date) and was honoured that they asked me to do their wedding photos for this year. Clearly they must have been happy with the Engagement photos session!

I was happy to do it for them, and while Mother Nature appeared to be having some hot flashes, with the weather fluctuating from warm and sunny to cool(er) and rainy or even blustery every 10 minutes it seemed, we were still able to get out and have fun. They were both so organized ahead of time and so relaxed during the shoot that in spite of the odd weather, it was a great day.

I recently had the happy experience of being invited into Brandy and Greg's home to do portraits of them. Explaining that "we haven't had any good pictures of us together since our wedding" is as good a reminder as any, I think, of how time flies and sometimes we need to slow down long enough to record things, so that in the future we can pause and rewind for a bit!

The fur babies are just as much a part of the family, Tigger (on the right) and Wonder (the Orange on the left) who is just that, having no eyes! But he gets around just fine, and his purring will melt your heart!
Here she is, Aliona. I have worked with Aliona a few times now and she is frequently bringing her own concepts to the table when we've worked together. This time she said that she wanted to buy some pretty ropes and hang from the trees.

As I've experienced with other models at times, I wasn't really sure what to expect, though luck favours the brave I hear (or something like that!) so I'm game. And while we got a few bemused looks from some people out for a walk in the park, it was worth it. We had fun and got some unique images.

I had been toying with the idea of doing a pup portraits for awhile earlier this summer. I finally got my act together and made it happen at the beginning of July.

Admittedly, I was worried we were going to get rained out as the ominous clouds and forecast seemed to indicate it was a definite possibility, but the photography Gods were looking upon us with a pleasing eye, cause we hardly had a drop. Tons of mosquitoes, yet, but no rain to speak of.

I am definitely going to do this again in the not too distant future and am also looking into doing other mini-sessions at some point very soon.

Or at least, in almost a year. Because I want to get a few images and posts up for people to look at/read in the first little while as I get this set up, I thought I'd post some of my favourite land/cityscapes from the last year.

Recently I had the fun task of doing a shoot with Aliona - a concept shoot that she came up with where she would be dangling, by ropes, in the trees. Here's some behind the scenes images... I'll post some of the finished images later...
I first made contact with Ashley through Model Mayhem. A young slip of a thing, I wasn't sure what to make of her at first. But I quickly learned that Ashley is good to get along with, easy to talk to and an adventurous chick to boot, passionate about traveling and the work she has done overseas working with organizations to help stop human trafficking.

A hard worker by nature, since we met Ashley and I have done a few shoots together in the last few months, including a couple with my friend Pam of Anwen Rose Designs, a local jewelry designer here in Regina.

Ashley has her own website with her online portfolio if you'd like to check it out. Or just take a peek-see through the slideshow below to see some samples of the work we've done together so far!