That's right! Regina Family Services tomorrow is having Juke Box Mania tomorrow!

Check out the information on their website!

I'm super excited to be involved with this fundraiser tomorrow night!

No rest for the wicked though, as the next day I'll be helping my friend Pam of Anwen Rose Designs out at S3 Style|Shopping|Spirits which will be a lot of fun too.

As a result, I'm anticipating I won't have much time for blogging the next couple of days. But I've been pretty busy lately!

Check out a small sampling of the things I'm workin' on!

I like working with local businesses. As entrepreneurs we need to help each other, and doing so helps our local economy! So I was happy to be approached by one of the team at Zazu Salon about doing some photos for them. A salon that is inviting in appearance and mixes classic and contemporary looks, with a friendly and professional staff, I had a lot of fun working with these girls.
Sorry I missed writing yesterday. I was busy editing/wrapping up an old job. But today I've been editing puppies! Here's another sneak peak.
She's Mabel! She's the Juggernaut! Well not really, but she'll knock you down!
Along with Forgiveness... which while I'm working on it, I think I'm actually further along with that than I am with just living in the present. Even when you can forgive, the habitual obsessive thinking patterns can derail things pretty easily. As recommended by many self-help type books, gurus etc. and also Tiny Buddha, gratitude (which I've discussed at length previously) is one of the tricks to being mindful and living in the now.

Perspective, looking at things from the bright side is the goal. The journey is just taking a lot longer than I'd like it to.
This image sort of reminds me of that. This is a place that we pass every time we head to visit the family in Alberta. I dunno that they had any specifically esoteric purposes to start with, other than perhaps to make the fence more visible to any wildlife that might be passing by, but it may have become so...

Esoteric -- Adjective
    1. Understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite: poetry full of esoteric allusions.
    2. Belonging to a select few.
    3. Private; secret; confidential
    4. (Of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group: the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras.

Well... a particular fence in a particular place where people come to nail shoes and sandals and boots to the fence just because? This is practically the... poster fence of the esoteric.

So I guess next time I'm feeling grumpy, annoyed or whatever, I should think about this fence. Well, no, actually FIRST I should look around me and realize that in that specific moment, there should be things to be grateful for. For instance, if there is a roof over my head, if I have relative health, if I've got a snuggly puppy next to me, if I've been able to pay my bills, if I have a nice computer to work on and access to the internet, and have a car to drive and food to eat and clean water...

And all those things. But again, we're conditioned to focus on the negative. So if none of those things come up in the moment, I guess if I can hold onto this image. Know that there's a fence, with boots and shoes nailed to it. While there's probably several of them littering the prairies, this one is special. It means those who know of it are part of a select few. And I guess that's something.
Visiting with friends tonight, I heard about the drama in some people's lives and thought about how some people just become a magnet for it. Through no apparent effort on their behalf, it's just always THERE. Like Melrose Place, which I used to watch faithfully when it was on in the 90s. Like Jerry Seinfeld, it was my secret shame. And proved to be the inspiration of a shoot I did at Table 10...
In this case, Medusa, wearing a somewhat ill-fitting dress, risen from the... pits of Hades? It's sometimes not good to be a busty girl when Halloween costume shopping.

But I digress!

As a business person, particularly one that uses a personal name, it's sometimes good to Google Search yourself.  I sometimes shake my head in disbelief what gets pulled in, and am somewhat amazed at what the image search brings up at times. A little disconcerting at times too because you never know what kind of crazy stalker-type people are out there (or maybe you do).

But it's nice to see some articles that are relevant to my career though. Stuff I'm proud of and hope I can make lightning strike twice... that award image that is on the main page of this site? This is what I did to garner the distinction...

Pretty cool.
Mabel looks in disdain at her surroundings. She was, perhaps, expecting kibble in a champagne glass?

Sorry Mabel... next time.

For another preview, check out my Facebook Fan Page! Like it!Shar
Not always because they need it, but because we do. I'm a grudge-keeper from way back. It's something I've been working on, and I stumbled on this blog that had a good article on it. I might have to add Marc and Angel Hack Life to my regular reading list...
As was common parlance in church - Peace Be With You. (Forgiveness will help you get there.)
For those returning, and those just starting like this brother and sister duo - Happy Back to School everyone!
Editing the last few days, and catching up on my work! Shooting in Wascana was, as I said, a bit warm, but with all the green in the park it was worth it.
The dust and smoke in the air made the sky quite hazy and rather golden. I liked the effect, though we had to disrupt a poor gentleman trying to do his Tai Chi exercises on the look-out.